National POW/MIA Memorial & Museum

Gifting of POW Gallery

Completed September 22, 2022

The POW Gallery Installation was gifted to the National POW/MIA Memorial & Museum upon completion of the THEN & NOW National Veteran Art Exhibit hosted by the St. Augustine Art Association (STAAA), FL. The Installation was created as a special tribute in honor of Army Major Theodore Gostas (RET). Ted was a former POW for 5+ years, 4.5 years of which he spent in a solitary confinement cell with a 5’ X 8’ footprint. The POW Gallery shares Ted’s story of grief and bravery against overwhelming odds; its cruelty and hopelessness in daily and unrelenting inhuman treatment. The Installation cell also illustrates and reflects the testament and experiences of many of his POW and MIA comrade’s grief, hopelessness and isolation. Ted stated; My psychiatrist considered me the most tortured prisoner of the war in Vietnam….because I was the highest ranking intelligence officer. And (I had) the worst attitude. I laughed at everything! Even when they were killing me I was laughing because I was crazy! I went completely ka-flooey in prison”.

Please see the National POW/MIA Memorial & Museum website for additional information and for the gallery public opening dates: 6112 POW-MIA Memorial Parkway, Jacksonville, FL. 32221, 904-303-8907